Careful. Careful.
Daggers behind smiles, a kiss with fangs.
And I don't know why I feel so bad.
I don't know why I should feel hurt.
Or frustrated.
Or betrayed.
But I do, in small measure.
Not again, not again.
I want to turn over a new leaf.
Begin anew.
An end to failure.
But I can't look to others to tell me what I am.
Success is not mine, own up to failure.
Christ in me is to live, to die is to gain.
I cannot do what I am advised to do.
Nobody gets it, Lord please answer for me.
Please please please please please
Don't beg, just believe.
He sets a table before me in the presence of my enemies
He anoints my head with oil
My cup overflows.
I will choose to believe.
And all of life
It comes down
To just one thing
That's to know You
Lord Jesus
And make You known.
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