24 août 2009


I have nothing to offer the people of Kyrgyzstan after all. Thank you, Lord, for helping me realize that. If it be your will to send me, please fill my empty hands.

Humility is hard. Being stripped is such a lonely process. I pray it bears good fruit.

17 août 2009

1 Timothy 3.9-10

They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them ... if they prove themselves blameless.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.

15 août 2009


There are a million poems about longing
Enough to carpet the way to the moon and back
And my little poem will not matter so
Much as a snowflake atop an avalanche
But the ache in my heart
Is what it is
And I am waiting for you
To take me home.


Jesus will ever be all I need until He's all I have.

God, I trust you. Even though I'm so scared.

14 août 2009

The more I seek You

The more I seek You
The more I find You
The more I find You
The more I love You

I want to sit at Your feet
Drink from the cup in Your hand
Lean back against You and breathe
Feel Your heartbeat
This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I melt in Your peace
It's overwhelming

("The More I Seek You," Kari Jobe)

08 août 2009


I'm happy. Not in a euphoric way, but in a calm/content/lasting sort of way. I have joy, I have hope, I have confidence in my God. I have no room in my heart today for cynicism, today or any other day. I'm really happy.

Finally, something truly blogworthy to write about. Thank you, Jesus.

In other news, there is a 40-something woman outside the window, sipping on her coffee and smoking her Marlboros. Her eyes are ringed with dark circles of eyeshadow, and she has drawn a mustache onto her upper lip. I'm not sure what to make of this.

04 août 2009

Hope floats

I'm not there yet. Not even where my friends were when they were 23. I wasted my life when I was supposed to be growing.

But there is hope for me, so take me there Jesus. I'm willing to submit.

03 août 2009


Why did I let myself waste so much of my life away?

02 août 2009

Note to self

All actions have consequences. Stop living out of brokenness.

01 août 2009

Johannes Brahms and Clara Schumann

The modern biographers worry
"how far it went," their tender friendship
They wonder just what it means
when he writes he thinks of her constantly,
his guardian angel, beloved friend.
The modern biographers ask
the rude, irrelevant question
of our age, as if the event
of two bodies meshing together
establishes the degree of love,
forgetting how softly Eros walked
in the nineteenth century, how a hand
held overlong or a gaze anchored
in someone's eyes could unseat a heart,
and nuances of address not known
in our egalitarian language
could make the redolent air
tremble and shimmer with the heat
of possibility. Each time I hear
the Intermezzi, sad
and lavish in their tenderness,
I imagine the two of them
sitting in a garden
among late-blooming roses
and dark cascades of leaves,
letting the landscape speak for them,
leaving us nothing to overhear.

By Lisel Mueller